Blog Posts
Gardening Inspiration to Cultivate Green Thumbs
Summer Colour for the Shade
The problem with shade gardens is that they dazzle the senses every spring with fragrance and flowers but by the time summer rolls around we are left with little but...
Gardening with Wildlife
I am an unabashed lover of nature and forty-two years of being a professional gardener have given me more than my fair share of wildlife encounters. So, I thought that...
More Bees Please!
There are a lot of things in life that we can live without but bees aren’t one of them. A world without honey bees (Apis mellifera) and wild pollinators (bumble...
Finding Your Fragrance: A Guide to Scented Plants
My favourite smell, bar none, is that of freshly brewed coffee in the morning. Add to that a hint of bacon (which I do not eat very often) and you...
10 Shrubs & Perennials for All-Summer-Long Colour
One of the most common questions I get from customers is do you have anything that blooms all summer long? I’ll admit that it’s a big ask and the selection...
Japanese Azaleas
Japanese Azalea is the common name for evergreen to semievergreen rhododendrons, known generically as Rhododendron japonicum. Most are complex hybrids or species from Japan such as Kyushu azalea (R. kiusianum),...
The Allure of French Lilacs
I think the best place to start is with the obvious question: Why are they called French Lilacs? Well, it has nothing to do with their place of origin, which...
A Cut Flower Calendar
A lot of gardeners are looking to plant summer flowers, perennials, and shrubs in their landscapes that can double as a cut flower garden. Whether inspired by the proliferation of...
Simply Sempervivum
This humble evergreen perennial goes by several common names including ‘Hens & Chicks’ (alluding to its capacity to produce offsets) and ‘Houseleek’, a reference to these plants being grown on...
Edible Berries from A to Z
Now is the best time to add berry plants to your garden or patio, as the selection is optimal at spring shipping time. Choosing which one to plant can be...
D Is for Daphne
I can still remember the first Daphne that caught my eye. It was more than four decades ago when I was working as a gardener on a 40-acre estate in...
The Month-By-Month Alba Garden
I have noticed that many of my recent landscape designs are definitely leaning towards an alba garden palette, with customers asking for white-flowering plants, cream variegation, and some silver foliage...