I really wanted to start the new year on a positive note and nothing puts a gleam in the gardener’s eye better than a glimpse of new plant introductions. So, here are 22 of the best summer flowers, perennials, vines, ornamental shrubs, and edibles to look forward to in 2022 at Amsterdam Garden Centre.
Petunia ‘Double Vogue Lemon Berry’ – An absolutely dazzling double petunia with two-tone colours of burgundy-red accented with yellowish-green tips and blotches. It has a mounding habit, making it ideal for hanging baskets and containers. Grows 8-10” tall by 14-24” wide. 📷 credit: Ball Seed

Calibrachoa ‘MiniFamous Neo Pink Hawaii’ – Hot hues seem to be trending for 2022 and this Calibrachoa with bright raspberry-coloured blooms accented by a black-edged yellow star just pops at first sight. It features a semi-trailing habit and large flowers that will just burst out of hanging baskets. Grows 8-12” tall by 12-15” wide. 📷 credit: Ball Seed

Verbena ‘Beats Purple & White’ – A unique bicolor verbena with purple-edged white petals that are sharply contrasted with red on the top. It blooms two weeks earlier than other verbena and flowers right through any heat stress common to container culture. Grows 6-8” tall by 10-12” wide. 📷 credit: Ball Seed

Helleborus ‘North Star Crystalline’ – A stunning new Lenten rose hybrid with abundant crystal-white semi-double blossoms from January to March. The flowers are accented by yellowish-green centres, and yes, we have them in stock right now. Grows 13” tall by 17” wide. USDA zone 5. 📷 credit: Terra Nova Nurseries

Helleborus ‘Picotee Pearl’ – Another white beauty with anemone-form flowers and a ruffled centre, all edged in a delightful raspberry-pink. This Lenten rose from the Winter Jewels Series is extremely hard to come by and is in stock. Grows 18” tall by 24” wide. USDA zone 4. 📷 credit: Skagit Horticulture

Gerbera ‘Garvinea Sweet Sparkle’ – This eye-catching hardy Gerbera features 3.5”-wide single blooms of the hottest pink accented with a darker dusky purple eye. This herbaceous perennial flowers from spring to fall and really pops in window boxes. Grows 15-19” tall by 12-15” wide. USDA zone 7.
📷 credit: Hilverda Florist

Sempervivum ‘Chick Charms Lotus Blossom’ – Succulents have been all the rage of late and this Hen & Chick sports white variegated leaves which are carmine-pink in summer and blush-pink during winter. A real showpiece for the rock garden or alpine trough. Grows 2” tall by 4-6” wide. USDA zone 3.
📷 credit: Growing Colors

Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Lemon Squeeze’ – Ornamental grass enthusiasts are bound to embrace this hardy fountain grass with bright chartreuse foliage contrasted by bold coppery plumes in midsummer. The leaves of ‘Lemon Squeeze’ also do not scorch in the hot afternoon sun. Grows 30” tall by 24” wide. USDA zone 5. 📷 credit: Walters Gardens
Cornus kousa ‘Scarlet Fire’ – This Korean dogwood features the deepest pink (verging on red) bracts and it also flowers prolifically at a young age. It bears red edible rounded fruits afterward and provides burgundy autumn foliage. Grows 25’ tall by 20’ wide. USDA zone 5. 📷 credit: Spring Hill Nurseries
Trachelospermum ‘Star of Tuscany’ – A much hardier cultivar of Star Jasmine with heady golden-yellow flowers borne from early summer through to fall. ‘Star of Tuscany’ is also drought tolerant once established. Grows 6-20’ tall. USDA zone 6
📷 credit: Concept Plants
Clematis ‘Stand by Me Lavender’ – A bush-type Clematis ideal for growing on a short obelisk or at the base of leggy shrubs. It bears hundreds of dark purple buds which open to nodding lavender-purple flowers, followed by silky seedheads. Grows 3’ tall by 2’ wide. USDA zone 3. 📷 credit: Walters Gardens
Syringa ‘Baby Kim’ – Lilacs have been enjoying a bit of a renaissance of late and ‘Baby Kim’ should help those who live in smaller urban gardens. It bears fragrant pale purple blooms (that do not fade to white) from mid to late spring. Ideal for containers. Grows 2-3’ tall by 3’ wide. USDA zone 3. 📷 credit: Proven Winners
Syringa ‘Scent and Sensibility Pink’ – A compact repeat-blooming lilac from the Bloomerang lineage with very fragrant, soft-lilac-pink flowers. Give it some room to grow as it spreads wider than it grows tall, but literally covers itself with continual blooms. Grows 3’ tall by 4-6’ wide. USDA zone 3. 📷 credit: Proven Winners
Itea virginica ‘Fizzy Mizzy’ – Something unique for you plant collectors out there, this compact Sweetspire will grow and flower just about anywhere, including shade, clay soils, and in containers. Expect a riot of fragrant white bloom spikes in early summer that will definitely attract pollinators. Grows 2-3’ tall and wide. USDA zone 5. 📷 credit: Proven Winners
Hydrangea serrata ‘Let’s Dance Can Do’ – A cold-hardy lacecap hydrangea that produces flower buds along the entire length of its stems. It bears pink to violet-purple blooms (depending on the pH) throughout the summer. Grows 3-4’ tall by 3’ wide. USDA zone 4. 📷 credit: Proven Winners
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Lime Punch’ – This improvement of ‘Little Lime’ features flowers that emerge lime green and then fade in an array of white, pink, and ‘Hawaiian Punch’ red, often all showing at the same time. I am quite sure that this will be the most popular hydrangea of 2022. Grows 3-5’ tall and wide (depending on pruning). USDA zone 3. 📷 credit: Proven Winners
Hydrangea x ‘Fairytale Bride’ – A cascading lacecap hydrangea that looks absolutely stunning when grown in a container. The delicate white blossoms are borne in summer on old wood and fade with just a hint of blush pink. Grows 4’ tall and wide. USDA zone 6. 📷 credit: Proven Winners
Viburnum plicatum ‘Steady Eddy’ – This improvement on ‘Summer Snowflake’ features substantial white lacecap blooms borne on strong horizontal branches. It flowers spring through summer and is much more compact than the species. Grows 4-5’ tall and wide. USDA zone 5. 📷 credit: Proven Winners
Tecoma ‘Chicklet Orange’ – If you like the look of Trumpet Vine (Campsis) in bloom but hate all the suckers, here’s a shrub for you. The clear orange flowers (emerging from reddish buds) are borne all summer long and the hummingbirds love them! Grows 3-4’ tall and wide. USDA zone 8 (requires winter protection here).
Caryopteris incana ‘Beyond Pink’d’ – A breakthrough colour for what is commonly known as Blue Spirea, with eye-popping bright pink bottlebrush blooms in late summer. This one will really bring in all of the local pollinators. Grows 2-3’ tall and wide. USDA zone 7. 📷 credit: Proven Winners
Blueberry ‘Silver Dollar’ – Another of the Bushel and Berry series of small fruits bred for container culture. It features berries with a unique blueberry-pineapple flavour and foliage that much resembles Eucalyptus. Grows 2-3’ tall and wide. USDA zone 5. 📷 credit: Bushel and Berry
Scallion ‘Red Beard’ – The best colour on this West Coast Seeds new introduction is achieved when planted late summer to early fall, harvesting after some colder weather. ‘Red Beard’ is generally ready for harvest after 40-50 days and features bright red stems and a mild flavour. Grows 2’ tall. 📷 credit: West Coast Seeds